Why can't I move and no I do not masturbate in front of you
We starts off with Allie blankly masturbating her very wet pussy until she almost cums? Her big round eyes are staring upward into who knows where. The second I let her orgasm, she wakes up and snaps out of it. Here we go again, what the hell was that? After some very awkward moments it is time for my little angel to drop under again. Back up after a brief deepening, all she wants to do now is pose for me while playing with herself. Of course she is completely unaware of that part. No I don't masturbate in front of people I don't really know. It gets even more bizarre when she suddenly finds herself frozen and played with. Why can't I move? Because I said so.
Allie is just cute and sexy as a button and her reactions to what is happening to her are priceless. There are a few minutes of interview towards the end of the segment in which she tells us what she thinks about all this.
8번째 클립 마지막 부분에서의 암시대로 의식이 없는 상태인 Allie. 그 상태에서 술사의 명령으로 스스로를 위무하기 시작하고 암시대로 절정에 이르는 순간이 트리거가 되어 깨어납니다.
이번에는 대화 중에서 자기도 모르게 저런 포즈와 함께 @$#를 하라는 암시가 주어집니다
이어지는 프리즈 암시. 몸은 그대로 얼어붙은 상태에서 의식만 깨우거나 움직이는 Allie의 손을 이리저리 움직이는 등의 능욕(?)이 시전됩니다
깨어난 후 노출되었던 가슴을 다시 가리며 째려보는 Allie. 최면암시에 의해 방금 있었던 일을 매우 즐거웠던 일이라고 받아들입니다
Clip 10 (약 6분)
Horny beauty put to sleep
Allie up and horny as usual keeps going out on me. She drops like a rock whenever I touch her or mention a certain word. It seems like she is passing out whenever I mention her name as well. Strange don't you think? Now let's do this again when she is really horny and wants to cum real bad. Allie starts to beg me not to put her out again before she has a chance to cum. Too bad, I just love watching those big breast of her jiggle and bounce whenever she hits the ground or the back of the couch. This one was driving her nuts. Understandably, given the fact how horny she was and how badly she wanted to cum. Lots of instantaneous drops into the abyss.
이번 클립은 스샷으로 쓸만한 부분이 없어 스샷이 없습니다..
여전히 스스로를 위무하게 되는 최면이 발동하는 내용인데, 이번에는 절정에 이르기 전에 계속 잠이 들게 하면서 능욕합니다. 여기에 더해 절정에 이르기 전에 잠이 들게 하지 말아달라고 부탁하게 된다는 암시를 추가하는 최면술사. 다시 깨어난 Allie는 암시대로 최면술사에게 잠에 들게 하지 말아달라고 간청하지만 결국 오선생을 접견하기 직전 다시 잠에 듭니다
Clip 11 (약 9분)
The chair of transformation brought to the test
The chair of transformation is designed to, through its intense vibration, drive a female insane for lust and eventually, when not allowed to orgasm make her completely give up herself. In other words letting go of her own will. The test subject, Allie, states that this is not only unlikely in her case but also quite impossible. Believing that she is strapped to the chair, the first jolt of vibration seems to catch her off guard. Her body is visibly quivering and shaking. It is also noted that the subject seems surprised about the intensity of the chair.
The chair is activated for longer periods of time and the subject is now starting to squirm in her chair, visibly aroused yet still reluctant to acknowledge the fact that she is horny. The subjects moaning and groaning becomes noticeably louder and harder the longer the chair is activated. The inconsistent activation and deactivation of the chair seems to disturb the now undeniably horny test subject. It appears she wants it to stay on although she is still visibly and verbally fighting the effects of the chair. It becomes obvious that our test subject is fighting a losing battle and it is noted that her behavior is changing. Consumed by lust the subject is now ready for the take over.
11번째 클립에서는 의상을 갈아입은 Allie를 볼 수 있습니다. 의자에 앉아있는데 무려 "Chair of Transformation"라 불리는 의자로, 바이브레이터가 울릴때마다 활성화되어 Allie에게 오르가즘을 선사합니다 (물론 현실은 아마존에서 $100도 안되는 금액으로 살 수 있는 의자입니다...).
이를 설명하는 최면술사에게 말도 안된다는 표정을 지어보이는 Allie이지만...
바이브레이터가 울림과 동시에 "읍"하는 짧은 신음과 함께 반응합니다
그리고 의자가 오래 활성화되어 있을 수록 그녀의 고통(?)의 시간은 길어집니다
Clip 12 (약 7분)
The chair of transformation passed the test
The take over of our test subject had started in the last segment and it is obvious that her mind has already weakened and there are no signs of resistance. The subject willingly repeats that all she wants to be is a mindless fuck bunny. One of the chairs accessories a bunny rabbit vibrator is now added to the test. The test subject willingly inserts the device into her wet pussy and sets it to the highest setting. The subject's mind is now completely emptied out by using her feelings of obvious insane lust. The subject, empty and blank eyed is now put on her knees with her ass propped up and orgasmed again. Her shoes are removed and she is placed back into the chair for one last spinning orgasm.
These last two segments will blow you away and it is recommended to watch them together.
클립이 시작하면 이미 의자의 포로가 되어버린 Allie.
"I am letting go of all my thoughts and will (의역하자면, 전 아무런 생각도 의지도 없습니다)"
절정에 오르게 한 이후 마음이 비워지게 됩니다
이후 최면술사를 주인님이라 부르며 조련당하다가 영상이 끝납니다.
위의 사진 3장 중 두번째 사진과 세번째 사진은 마지막 절정에 오르기 전후 사진인데 확실한 차이가 보입니다
Clip 13 (약 8분)
Horny foot or a different kind of hand job
Allie believes to be a blindfolded call girl who is giving her well paying customer a hand job. Believing that her own right foot she is holding in her hand, is the customer's dick, our horny girl goes to work. Sensually massaging and jerking the alleged dick in her hand, she slowly gets him to cum. Then she is asked to rob her wet pussy and clit with his dick until she orgasms loud and hard. This segment is not easy to describe but the way Allie massages and kisses her foot and finally masturbates with it is absolutely hot. After putting her out again, her customer has to play with her, just to make sure she is done. Very hot not just for foot lovers. I do not know why but there are three or four words muffled in one of my sentences. I think it might be due to a couple of dropped frames during the capturing process from the camera to the computer. It does not disturb or change the clip at all.
아무래도 풋 페티시가 있는 사람들을 공략하고자 만든 듯한 클립. Allie에게 콜걸이라는 암시를 주고 발 마사지를 시킵니다 (정확한 암시는 조금 다릅니다^^;)
눈 앞에 아무것도 보이지 않는다는 암시때문에 눈 앞에서 손을 휘저어도 전혀 반응하지 않습니다
Clip 14
What's the deal with the light?
Allie, a stripper at the local strip club is going through her boss's office to find out about the mysterious light, some of the girls have told her about. The girls do not seem to remember much of anything else though. Caught in the middle of going through my office, Allie is about to find out the deal with the light. She wants me to turn it on and show it to her, despite my warning. Slowly but surely, my sexy little stripper is mesmerized by the light and seems to lose her concentration as she drops helpless into a state of mindlessness. Horny and obedient, Allie is ordered to masturbate herself into oblivion. Like everybody else who has looked at the light before her, Allie is ready and willing to serve and be used. Of course I have to play with my little girl's face and body after she is put out again.
14번째 클립부터는 본격적으로 상황극 설정이 도입됩니다
스트립 클럽의 직원인 Allie. 직장 동료들 사이에 사장이 정체를 알 수 없는 신비한 빛이 나는 물건을 가지고 있다는 소문을 확인하러 사장의 집무실에 몰래 들어왔다 걸립니다. 하지만 걸린 건 걸린거고 그 물건을 보여달라고 당당하게 요구하는데...
이는 실수였음이 드러납니다
최면술사: "누가 너의 주인이지?"
Allie: "당신이 제 주인님이십니다"
최면술사: "난 너의 주인이고 너에겐 아무런 의지가 없다"
Allie: "당신은 제 주인님이시고 전 아무런 의지가 없습니다"
Clip 15 (약 12분)
I am a secretary part one
Usually the monthly updates for my, oh so proficient and quite perfect fembot secretary, go very smoothly and it could have been the same way this time but here we go again. It seems, to me at least, quite wasteful to have a beautiful, overly friendly and very willing secretary who is not interested in, let's say, extra curricular activities. Yes, I mean sex, you got it. Anyway, I help her, every month to hook herself up to the computer for the data transfer. Of course she has no clue that I have loaded a very different kind of update into the machine and by the time I hit the enter button it is too late.
Looks like the new data is flowing smoothly and besides a couple of minor twitches, she seems to accept her new programming. After repeating some of the steps of her programming, like loading "horny.exe" and so forth, she seems to be fully updated. Oh yes, now we are talking. Completely unaware of her former programming, my little secretary has turned into a willing sex toy. I was always dying to know what she would look like under all the professional clothing.
Without any hesitation, Allie exposes her luscious breasts for me and wiggles and jiggles them for as long as I like. Now we are having fun at work. Of course who would stop here, right? Let's do something to and with her, the wife would never do, like bend her over with that sexy ass pushed out, while masturbating and then orgasm her on command. How about a little tit play and the always so important as you programmed routine. I am not quite sure where I made a mistake but for some reason, she seems to keep remembering some of her old settings and programming. It starts slowly and I am still not too concerned but suddenly all hell breaks loose.
Clip 16 (약 14분)
I am a secretary part two
After her unfortunate crash, I decide to take her home and do some more extensive programming. Just thinking about those jiggling, firm round breasts makes me want to get her up again as quickly as possible. It works beautifully and my insatiably horny, promiscuous sex toy is back. Again she does everything the wife would never do, like fall on her knees, fuck herself with a huge vibrator, orgasm and stop orgasming whenever I want her to. Most importantly though she is obedient, remote controlled and very sexy. All in all she is the dream girl we all want. I just wish she would stop talking about the secretary bit. For some reason, she does not seem to be able to forget about that.
15번째와 16번째 클립은 MC물이라기보다는 로봇물(...)에 가까운 영상들입니다. 미국 애니메이션 등을 보면 마인드 컨트롤 당한 주인공들이 꼭 로봇처럼 움직이는 경우가 있는데, 그런 쪽을 더 좋아하는 MC팬들을 공략하기 위해 만든 영상들로 명백한 상황극입니다. 따라서 리뷰는 그냥 사진 4장으로 대신합니다.
저번 포스트에서도 언급했듯이 Hypnolust라는 사이트가 처음 등장했을 때 갖고 있던 색깔이 조금씩 바뀌기 시작하는 시점에 나온 영상입니다. 극초창기만 하더라도 지역에서 모델 일을 하는 것으로 추정되는 여성들을 모델로 고용했었는데, 이 영상이 나오던 시점에서는 이미 전문 성인 영상물 배우들만이 나옵니다. 문제는 그래서인지 몰라도 왠지 연기하는 듯한 느낌이 들기 시작한다는 것.
그래도 Allie Foster편은 나쁘지 않다고 생각합니다. 중간중간 연기가 섞였다고 생각되어지는 부분들도 있고 패턴이 좀 반복된다는 느낌은 있지만, 일단 배우가 귀엽고(...) 최면에 대한 반응도 나쁘지 않았다는 느낌입니다.
참고로 이 프로듀서의 홈페이지 주소는 다음과 같으니 관심 있으신 분은 한 번 둘러보시기 바랍니다.